Feedback & Complaints
At Sylvanvale, we encourage you to provide us with your feedback so that we can update and improve our services.
There are three types of feedback you can give us - a compliment, complaint or suggestion.
- A compliment is feedback you give us if you are happy with our service.
- A complaint is feedback you give us if you are unhappy with our service and you would like us to try to find a solution to the problem.
- A suggestion is an opportunity for you to share a comment, opinion or idea about how we can improve something.
If you wish to read our Feedback and Complaints Policy, please click here.
Please take the time to fill out the below form. We value your feedback and will support you to resolve any issues.
Your privacy is important to Sylvanvale
We are committed to keeping your personal information safe. We will only use your personal information for the purposes for which you have provided it, or for purposes related to one of our functions or activities.
As a registered NDIS provider, Sylvanvale may at times be legally required to share information with statutory bodies such as Government agencies. Information on how we collect, store and exchange information is included in our Privacy and Confidentiality Policy.