Welcome to Sylvanvale – Our passion is supporting you to achieve your goals.

Guide to Disability Accommodation

There are lots of things to consider when choosing the best accommodation option for your needs.

Our friendly, knowledgeable team is here to help and will guide you through the process.

Click on the relevant category to find out more. 

accommodation enquirires

Housing Type

Sylvanvale provides a variety of housing types to suit your needs.

Self-Contained Apartment

These modern Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) apartments are located within a broader property complex. 

Shared House

Our shared houses come with a private bedroom, fully furnished shared living areas and outdoor spaces. 


These modern Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) apartments are located within a broader property complex. 


Our villas are self-contained and are located within a broader property complex. They include communal areas where residents can socialise together if they choose to do so.  

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Accommodation Support

Sylvanvale offers two main types of accommodation support, which vary by property.

Supported Independent Living (SIL) 

Sylvanvale Supported Independent Living (SIL) is provided by experienced support staff who are available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week for personal care, healthcare and support to do the things you want to do at home. 

Individual Apartment Living (IAL)

Sylvanvale Individual Apartment Living (IAL) is on-call support delivered in an apartment complex where residents live independently in their own Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) unit.  

To find out more about IAL, click here.

NDIS Funding

When you’re looking to move into Sylvanvale disability accommodation, the type of National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) funding you need will depend on the type of property and support you want.  

Specialist Disability Accommodation

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) refers to the actual home a person lives in. It is funding for the property, as opposed to funding for the support.

Most Sylvanvale properties are NDIS approved Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA), which is housing that has been specifically designed for people with high support needs. 

We do however offer a small selection of homes that are non-SDA properties, which means you can live there and pay rent without needing SDA funding.

Supported Independent Living

Supported Independent Living (SIL) refers to 24/7 support provided in your home by Sylvanvale’s highly experienced team. The number of staff depends on how many residents live in the home, and the ratio of support that they are funded for.

Onsite Shared Supports

This is the minimum funding required for Sylvanvale Individual Apartment Living (IAL). It provides access to 24/7 assistance for unplanned supports within an SDA dwelling, that are not part of a participant’s routine daily activities.

IAL comes under the NDIS item number called ‘Unplanned shared onsite support’.

Core Supports

Core Supports is funding for planned support that helps a participant complete daily living activities, including going to appointments and accessing the community. Sylvanvale offers two types of Core Supports through disability accommodation. They are called:

  • Collective Support and 
  • Flexible Support.  

Collective Support
is available for residents in Sylvanvale IAL, who pool their Core Supports funding together to pay for extra Sylvanvale staff on site. The planned support is provided to each individual at their scheduled time, as negotiated between all the residents. 

Flexible Support is available to all residents living in Sylvanvale disability accommodation. It is only funded from the resident’s Core Supports funding. The cost isn’t shared with other residents. 

IAL comes under the NDIS item number called ‘Unplanned shared onsite support’.

NDIS funding

How can I get NDIS disability accommodation funding if I don’t already have it?

You can ask for disability accommodation funding in the following ways: 

  • Mention it in your NDIS planning meeting 
  • Request it in your plan reassessment

If the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) considers it to be reasonable and necessary, disability accommodation will be included in your NDIS plan.

To find out more about NDIS funding criteria, click here.

What Makes Sylvanvale Stand Out?

  • We cater to all needs – from people with very high, diverse support needs to people who require minimal support.
  • We have a strong focus on promoting independence and supporting people who have never lived independently.
  • We match you with the right support staff, housemates and property for your needs.
  • We provide our staff with extensive, regular training.
  • We have an award-winning focus on safety.
  • We’re a trusted organisation with more than 75 years’ experience.

Finding the Best Option For You

The team at Sylvanvale is committed to finding options that best suit your needs. We are also focused on matching you to the right staff, as well as the right housemates if you’re sharing with others. Contact Us.

“Sylvanvale has done a good job matching the housemates,”

Denise, Mum 

 Read story by clicking here 

We go out of our way to ensure that your transition into your new home goes as smoothly as possible. We put considerable time into planning and preparation, and giving you the opportunity to get familiar with your new environment before you move in. 

“It can be a pleasant surprise for families how easily their
loved one can transition into their new home.” 

Bryant, Support Worker 

Read story by clicking here

Learn how we can help you find your new home, by completing the enquiry form.

Read stories of people who live in Sylvanvale disability accommodation 

Patrick and his pet bunny

“Patrick is living his best life, thanks to the support of Sylvanvale.”  - Lisa, Patrick’s Mum. 

Read Patrick’s story by
clicking here

“I can do what I want. I am much happier. I love my new home.” – Lyndall, resident. 

Read Lyndall’s story by
clicking here

“The team supports me to do the things I enjoy.”  – Frank, resident. 

Read Frank’s story by clicking here 

We recognise that it’s not easy when a person you care deeply for, moves out of home. Find out how our dedicated team helped give Linda’s mum peace of mind and gave Linda supported independent living that is a home. 

Ready To Move In?

Please express your interest via our enquiry form.