Welcome to Sylvanvale – Our passion is supporting you to achieve your goals.

Each child develops differently.
Our playgroup can provide you and your child the support you
need to develop their skills and abilities.

6 months

Language & Communication
Starts babbling and making different sounds

Motor Skills
Rolls from back to side

Bangs toys and enjoys peak-a-boo type games

Smiles and shows affection to caregivers

Learning & Thinking
Uses single words

1 Year

Language & Communication
Uses single words

Motor Skills
Sits independently, crawls and pull to stand

Plays with toys purposefully and finds hidden objects

More attached to familiar people and nervous with strangers

Learning & Thinking
Follows simple instructions and copies gestures

2 to 3 Years

Language & Communication
Puts words together

Motor Skills
Walks, runs and jumps

Shows interest in peers and plays with toys in different ways

Shows wide range of emotions

Learning & Thinking
Begins to sort shapes and colours

4 to 5 Years

Language & Communication
Tells a simple story using full sentences

Motor Skills
Uses the toilet on their own

Likes to play with other children

Cooperates with other children

Learning & Thinking
Plays board and card games