Sylvanvale is committed to ensuring that the people we support have access to the Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) support that they are eligible for under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Many of the people we support may find SDA to be the most appropriate home environment to enable them to achieve their goals.
What is happening?
Throughout the course of 2023, we will be contacting all the people Sylvanvale supports to learn more about their housing goals. For those interested in undertaking a formal Home and Living Assessment with the NDIA, our team will explain the key steps of this process, and where Sylvanvale may be able to assist along the way.

Why is this happening?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) funds a range of home and living services and supports. However, sometimes people don’t have access to all the NDIS funding they may be eligible for.
For example, they may not have funding for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA), or their NDIS Plan may not represent the category of SDA which best aligns to their housing support needs. This can impact their ability to live the life they choose, which is one of the central principles of the NDIS.
What do you need to do?
If you would like to find out more about Sylvanvale’s housing goal assessments in the meantime, please email or call 1300 244 577. Otherwise, please wait to receive a letter from Sylvanvale’s Chief Executive Officer, Leanne Fretten prior to your next plan review.
Did You Know?
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is housing that meets the needs of people with disability who require some form of specialised housing.
SDA is split into four types of design categories that cater to National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS): Improved Liveability, Robust, Fully Accessible and High Physical Support.